Projects & Trends

Fabric Trends for 2023

Fabric Trends for 2023

If 2022 was the year of recovery, 2023 is the year of growth. Maximalism is still very much on trend, tempered by nostalgia and creative confidence. So what are the trends shaping our fabrics in 2023? From sustainable materials to bold and bright colours, here are...

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5 Tips on Designing Outdoor Living

5 Tips on Designing Outdoor Living

We’re pretty fortunate in Sydney with the weather. Sure, we have our fair share of storms and rain, but we can use our outdoor spaces a lot more than others around the world. For many homes, the outdoor living space becomes an extension of the

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Inside the Pantone Magentaverse

Inside the Pantone Magentaverse

Audacious, full of wit, and without restraint. That’s how Pantone describes the colour of the year: Viva Magenta. Not quite red, or purple, or maroon, magenta is actually a shade rooted in nature. It’s hard to decorate with, like all vibrant

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A Home for Work and Play

A Home for Work and Play

For as long as many people can remember, there has been a clear divide between ‘work’ and ‘home’. The past three years have changed all that. In many cases, home has become as much a place for work as for living. It’s time to transition from survival mode to revival...

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Using Colours at Home

Using Colours at Home

Window coverings are a big deal. They don’t just cover your windows; they are also a very important part of your interior design. The colour of your window dressing is just as important as the type. The key when choosing the colour of window dressing, though is...

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Linen Wave Sheers for Glebe Terrace

Linen Wave Sheers for Glebe Terrace

This Glebe terrace renovation called for clever use of light and the creation of privacy. What better than linen wave sheers and motorised roller blinds to create a modern ambience? Timeless style of linen Tony and Gina started the exciting project

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Weatherproof Your Outdoors

Weatherproof Your Outdoors

It’s September 2022, and the Bureau of Meteorology announced that summer this year will be a wet one… again. It’s time to weatherproof your outdoors. Yep, you read that right, a third consecutive year of La Nina means you need to do some preparation in order to…

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How Smart Homes Help

How Smart Homes Help

Technology seems to be making life easier in pretty much every area. Whether it’s ordering food, doing the shopping or even playing games, everything can be done on an app. And our homes are no different. If you’re weighing up whether to embrace or upgrade to the full...

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Heating at Home in Sydney

Heating at Home in Sydney

How does your home handle a cold snap? In June 2022 Sydney shivered through its coldest day and period in nearly four decades. Many of us were left wondering: how are we going to cope with more of this?During the height of the COVID-19

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